Tom Bradley
Tom Bradley is the Chair and Co-founder of Steadyhand Investment Management, a boutique manager focused solely on better outcomes for individual
Canadian investors. He co-founded the firm in 2007.
Tom started his career in 1983 as an Equity Analyst at Richardson Greenshields. He spent eight years with the firm, the last three as Director of Institutional Sales. In 1991, he joined
Phillips, Hager & North as a Research Analyst and Institutional Portfolio Manager. He was appointed to the Board of Directors of PH&N in 1996 and appointed President and CEO
in 1999, a role that he held until he resigned from the firm in 2005. Tom’s education includes a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of
Manitoba (1979), an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business (1983) and 38 years in the investment trenches.
In addition to his duties at Steadyhand, Tom is a long-standing member of the Investment Committee at the Vancouver Foundation and an enthusiastic advocate for individual
investors through his blogs, bi-weekly articles in the National Post and speeches to industry groups.